Monday 9 January 2012

Monday Summary.

- This past week has mostly consisted of revision. I'm in my 3rd year at Uni and with January exams coming up in a week, there is plenty of revision to be done. Reading articles and making notes all day is not my idea of a good time.

- I also got to meet my cousin's new baby boy this past week who was born at the end of December. He was poorly when he was born so had to spend a week or so in hospital but he's now home with his mum, dad and big sister. I love going to visit and just holding the baby for a bit so my cousin can get things done without carrying him around. He's so tiny and adorable, I never want to give him back when I have to go home!

- Having spent the last of my overdraft last week, I am currently living on £0. As a self-confessed shopping addict, I'm finding this really difficult. I hate not having spare cash to pick up things I need or something new I've had my eye on. It also means I have no social life due to having no money to go out with friends. And it's still a couple of weeks until my loan comes through :(

- Due to my lack of funds, I have turned to ebay selling to make some extra cash. I was very into ebay selling a few years back and made a lot of money selling old clothes. I managed to make a bit of cash this week selling books, dvd's, old clothes but I didn't have a lot to sell as most of my belongings are at my uni house and I'm currently at home. But it is something I want to do more of in 2012 because it's an easy way to make cash and have a clear out at the same time.

- I also had my very first beauty box experience this week, which I will discuss in detail in the next post. Unfortunately, I didn't get very good first impressions!

- As for films, I finally got around to seeing the inbetweeners movie this week! I felt like the only person in the world who hadn't watched it but I thought it was brilliant and will need to pick up the dvd, as I'm a huge inbetweeners fan anyway. I also re-watched Bridesmaids this week when I'd forgotten how funny that film really is.

- A new year means all new series of some of my favourite tv shows. This week saw the return of Pretty Little Liars on US tv (which I catch up with online) and the new episode definitely did not dissapoint. Brand new Jersey Shore has also started, with a great first episode of the series. Everyone's guilty pleasure Take Me Out started again this weekend and it was a cringeworthy and entertaining as ever. And one of my all time favourite shows Dancing on Ice is back on our screens and I'm loving it already!

Hope everyone is enjoying 2012 so far,

lots of love